Getting Started

Your Little Green Sprouts training is the first stop on your LGS adventure! Your training will take approximately 1 hour and is required for all new Little Green Sprouts teachers. Please review the layout below and launch the course on your dashboard, or using the button above.

  • We'll review your garden materials.

  • We'll set up your garden together.

  • We'll review basic growing techniques.

  • We'll review basic troubleshooting.

Little Green Sprouts Training Overview

  • 1
    Welcome & Help Forum
    • Little Green Sprouts Training Overview
    • Help Forum
    • Little Green Sprouts Teacher Manual
  • 2
    Program Basics
    • What is Little Green Sprouts? Program Overview
    • Program Overview and Teacher Commitment
    • LGS Manual Reading - Pages 1 & 2
    • Key Points: What is Little Green Sprouts
    • Goals of Little Green Sprouts and Garden-based Learning
    • Benefits of Garden-based Education (1-page download)
    • You Goals for Little Green Sprouts
  • 3
    Unpacking Garden Materials
    • Your LGS Garden Materials
    • Unpacking your Garden Box Shipment!
    • Equipment Safety & Food Safety
  • 4
    Garden Set-up
    • Garden Set-up Introduction
    • Quick Overview: Garden Set-Up (turn on sound)
    • Set-up Overview
    • Step 1: Stand Set-up
    • Step 2: Attaching Lights, Cords and Timer
  • 5
    Time to Grow...
    • What will you grow?
    • Growing Microgreens Overview
    • Planting Microgreens
    • Growing Lettuce Introduction
    • Growing Lettuce
    • Garden Maintenance and Plant Needs
    • Remember your cheat sheet!
  • 6
    • Troubleshooting
    • Troubleshooting section of LGS Teacher Manual
    • Preventing Problems & Troubleshooting
    • Most Common Issues
  • 7
    • Let's Get Growing!